Saturday, March 21, 2020

Self Love

Today one of my friends tagged me in one of those chain things on instagram. You know, the type like “post a picture of yourself and tag ten other beautiful women! #SelfLove !!!” Or whatever. I didnt. You know why? Because the world doesnt need more “self love”! It really doesnt. Screw self love. Its one thing for me to see young self conscious teenage girls do this, who are still struggling with their identity as a person and as a woman, but im seeing full grown ass women share this thing too and it makes me sad to see. Your identity doesnt come from your perception of how you look or from how other people see you, and self love isnt the answer to a happy life nor is it a cure for anxiety, self loathing, or general self consciousness. Ok? Jesus is the answer. I really want to repost it but with the caption “My identity doesnt come from my perxeption of self nor from how others see me, my identity is in Jesus and though i want to respect others and myself with how i present myself to the world, whether that presentation is perceived as beautiful or not by those around me is beside the point. I am me, and I am im Christ.” But i feel like thats really aelf righteous.